Wednesday 8 August 2012

Web 2.0 Photo/Film Sharing

Hi Elizabeth,
I didn't have my camera at work today, and our branch camera is off-site and in use so I couldn't upload any photos. I have used Fickr many times for sourcing photos (just using "Explore" is a fabulous source for photography techniques) but tend to use Picasa for photo sharing.

I tried several libraries in our area but no one is on Flickr so finally just linked to TPL...

I was very impressed with the 2010 you tube promo video from Oakville
I notice they had production help from the High School and it is very good. This one 
is not as impressive for production values but was for 2012.

 I don't have a data plan on my phone so I couldn't use Instagram but my daughter and I played around with it on her phone last weekend (if I had realized that was part of this course, I would have had her upload some on Twitter). We liked how you could edit your photo right there on your phone after taking the picture. I follow my brother on Twitter who obviously used this as his posts are often supplemented with photos (and maps).

I downloaded the library tour podcast for the ground floor (I notice the script for the full tour is no longer available).  I found this type of tour weird to listen too. I think it better suited to a video presentation but I suppose if you had it on your IPOD you could follow along right in the building.

I already subscribe to Gian's podcasts as I often don't get to hear him at all, or only catch part of Q in the car.

I love the idea of the's like the next step in scrapbooking! But it seems quite involved to produce. You need a course in photoshop by the looks if it. I have played around with GIMP (free photosharing software that rivals Adobe) and it is very challenging and time-consuming but worth it if you were to use it extensively. As with so many of thewse things, it is finding the time for the learning curve.

I can see a use for many of these in a library or other business setting but I must admit that I find the degree of sharing (photos, personal information...footprint all over the internet) a little unnerving. As much as we try to control the degree of sharing through privacy settings, the erosion to our privacy is ongoing as with Foursquare locale identity and Google's propensity to make everything increasingly public!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Web 2.0 Tools

I have used Google docs before so it was not a new process for me. But I love the idea of iGoogle. I put a twitter gadget, blogs, joke of the day and Remember the milk on it. I will look at Evernote when I am home as I can see a role for that personally! We have used Doodle at work for social events and for organizing meetings. I still have to do that one!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Social Cataloguing

What fun! I got so caught up in this that I lost track of time. I have a lot of work to do to add all the books I have read recently but I can see quite a few uses for these types of sites...personal tracking as already pointed out by our course collegues, but also for book clubs and staff reviews, etc.
Anyway , my Library Thing account is . I posted one review but didn't get much further with the time allotted me.

Friday 29 June 2012

Web 2.0 Week 3

Hi Elizabeth...It was attached to my other gmail! One thing about this course is the plethora of user names and passwords needed!
This week, I created my twitter account but I hate my 'handle'. When I signed  in and had to select the username, I did not realize this was twe name for my twitter account. I thought it was merely for login purposes, so I am going to change that. After creating the account and tweeting, I couldn't figure out how to get back to the Home page but that hasn't been a problem since.  Am exploring other people's tweets...following my brother for instance and plan to play a bit with re-tweeting and discovering who is out there, although I do not really feel I have anything to add of interest to others.
I also set up RSS feeds through Google Reader. I have used feeds before but just as alerts into my email. For example, when my daughter was in Italy and Alitalia was on the verge of bankrutpcy, I had a feed alerting me to what was happening. This is different because you have to actively go into Reader to see your feeds but it is a great way to get all those updates collected in one spot without having to log onto each site when it strikes you!.

Friday 15 June 2012

Other People's Flights of Fancy...

I have a friend who refuses to read fiction believing it to be a waste of time. He has no interest in engaging with "other people's flights of fancy".
I, on the other hand, love reading fiction, not only as a means of entertainment or escape (engaging in other people's flights of fancy!) but also as a window to so many areas of knowledge I would otherwise not encounter.
I could (and probably will) over the next few days or weeks lay out a number of good arguments in defense of fiction but first I wonder...
How do other people feel?