Friday 29 June 2012

Web 2.0 Week 3

Hi Elizabeth...It was attached to my other gmail! One thing about this course is the plethora of user names and passwords needed!
This week, I created my twitter account but I hate my 'handle'. When I signed  in and had to select the username, I did not realize this was twe name for my twitter account. I thought it was merely for login purposes, so I am going to change that. After creating the account and tweeting, I couldn't figure out how to get back to the Home page but that hasn't been a problem since.  Am exploring other people's tweets...following my brother for instance and plan to play a bit with re-tweeting and discovering who is out there, although I do not really feel I have anything to add of interest to others.
I also set up RSS feeds through Google Reader. I have used feeds before but just as alerts into my email. For example, when my daughter was in Italy and Alitalia was on the verge of bankrutpcy, I had a feed alerting me to what was happening. This is different because you have to actively go into Reader to see your feeds but it is a great way to get all those updates collected in one spot without having to log onto each site when it strikes you!.


  1. Hi Lindsay!
    I'm glad you tracked down your login info :)
    I know it can be a hassle to go to your reader, so sometimes users set them to come up as their homepage.
    Did you figure out how to switch the main email connected to this account?

    1. Hi Elizabeth. I am sorry that I have not replied to you earlier. I did take note of your comment but really didn't have time to play around with it so I decided to leave it for now. Once I get a moment, I intend to synthesize all these new accounts (including changing my useless twitter handle). As you have probably noted, I have not been using this format to post for the course. I have tended to just add my comments in the main course blog page.
